Dear Lakshmi,
1. To put data labels, use method 'ApplyDataLabels' of class 'Chart'. Corresponding macro to display values as data label would be:
ActiveChart.ApplyDataLabels Type:=xlDataLabelsShowValue, LegendKey:=False
And ABAP OLE command for the same would be
CALL METHOD OF gv_chart_instance 'ApplyDataLabels' EXPORTING #1 = '2'. " xlDataLabelsShowValue
2. To put data table under the chart, use property 'HasDataTable' of class 'Chart'. Corresponding macro to do this would be:
ActiveChart.HasDataTable = True
And ABAP OLE command for the same would be
SET PROPERTY OF gv_chart_instance 'HasDataTable' = 1. " True
3. We need not rename the series names, if data is exported to excel correctly and kept selected during creation of chart.
Please find attached sample code, to cater your requirement. Hope this helps. Thank you.