Dear Ram,
Automatic process for replacing values as they are entered into the SAP system.
Entered values are checked against a user-defined Boolean statement (this is a prerequisite). If the statement is true, the SAP System replaces the values concerned. Substitution occurs before data is written to the database.
T Code:GGB1
A process of checking values and combinations of values as they are entered into the SAP System.
Entered values are checked using a user-defined Boolean statement (this is a prerequisite). If the statement is true, the SAP system validates the data using a second Boolean statement (as a check).
- If the check statement is true, the system posts the data.
- If the check statement is false, the system displays a user-defined message.
Whether the entry can be posted depends on the message type.
Validation occurs before the data is posted so that only valid data is posted.
T Code: GGB0
Pavan Kumar Arvapally