Hi Navin,
First problem :
When you are using a floating license and anticipate being out of contact with the license
server, you can borrow a mobile license to allow you to continue using PowerDesigner for up
to 30 days.
Once you have obtained a mobile license, the 30 day limit is renewed automatically each
time you connect to the license server. If you do not contact the server for 30 days, the
mobile license is returned to the pool and you will not be able to use PowerDesigner until
you reconnect.
Each time you borrow one licence (use or not outside of your office) the number of license available to others users in your office is reduced by one.
When you no longer need the mobile license you should return it to the server to make your license seat available to the general license pool. To do so, select Tools > Return Mobile License.
In rare cases, PowerDesigner may repeatedly fail to obtain authorization from a local license
file or the license server. If this happens, you can troubleshoot as follows:
1. Exit PowerDesigner and navigate to the following directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PowerDesigner x
2. Move any file with the .lic extension this folder to a safe place.
3. Make a backup copy of the file sysam.properties, and open it in a text editor. Remove the
lines starting "Pd.LicenseMode" and "Pd.Package" at the end of the file and save the file.
4. Restart PowerDesigner.
You will be prompted to open the License ManagementWizard. Re-load your local license key or select the appropriate served license type.
Where does PD store a checked out Mobile license information locally ? The license information are saved in two locations (locally - confirm you are the licence borrower - and on the server - a license has been borrow by an user)
Can a colleague check out a Mobile license temporarily and then pass his LIC file for another colleague to use ? Usually your colleague must return the license to the licence pool. Maybe you can try to copy the file from computer A to B. Iwould be surprised PowerDesignerallowmore than oneuser to usethe same licenseborrowed. Theysurelythought aboutthis situation ...
Your evaluation of my answer would be appreciated - Examples choices are Correct, Helpful answer.
Second problem :
Reason I am asking is that the license server requires a < 100 ms ping response when connecting to it and when working remotely on VPN from outside the country, even on a fast internet connect (50 Mbps speed), the response time is > 100 ms ( I am getting 270 ms) and hence I am not able to check out a license and open PD.
So just wondering if their is any work around or I am doomed till I return to office.
I have not meet this problem.