Hi Experts,
I have been trying to configure one of the XMIIIDOCs in MII
I am unable to save the properties.
On save, I get the loading symbol and then the data reverts to earlier entries.
The new entries are lost.
There are no errors and I see the following warnings.
Write monitor data thread interrupted
Role <role name> already exists (this warning for all default roles in MII)
SystemProperty ResolveMachineName was null or empty, defaulting to false
I am using the java administrator user
the program has been configured in ECC in accordance with the documents availble in SDN
the ECC server is reachable over the network from MII
The connection had earlier been established on a different listner which is now in error state and I am creating the new one to troubleshoot the error.
The errors indicate user authentication issues as the user password has changed. But I guess, I am unable to update this due to the above issue.
Am I missing any roles on the user to update the adapter?
I am using NW731 and MII 14.0