Step 1 : Define agreement type
/irm/ipspro -> Basic Fns->Pricing Sales->Pricing agreements-> Setup agreements->Define agreement
Then select define sales deal type
Step 2: Add created agreement type to chargeback's setup
/irm/ipspro -> Basic Fns->Pricing Sales->Pricing agreements-> Maintain Ip agreement types-Sales
Then select Maintain Agreement Types for Chargebacks / 1
- New entries
-in Agreement type F4 help select agreement type created in step-1
-Fill other details that you want ( Don't forget to mark new pricing check box available @ agreement type level)
Step 3: Adding Rules to agreement type
/irm/ipspro -> Basic Fns->Pricing Sales->Pricing agreements-> Setup agreements->Condition Type groups
Here we need to create set of price sheets( KSCHL + KOTABNR) that we want to show in our agreemnt as a condition type group
so first create a condition type group using define condition type groups
then assign condition types/tables to condition type groups
them assign this type group to agreement type that we created in step-1
Step 4: Use /irm/ipcbasp T-code to create new agreement of type that we created in step-1
For other details check this link