Hi Masayuki ,
Whenever I was accessing the fiori home page , there was st22 dump in the backend and an error in /iwfnd/ERROR_LOG .
<<<<CM_BEC/026","message":{"lang":"en","value":"RFC Error: Syntax error in program /UI2/CL_EDM_DA_WD_CONFIG======CP>>>
Backend dump:
Category ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors SYNTAX_ERROR
Application Component CA-UI2-INT-BE
Date and Time 08.07.2013 10:29:44
Short text
Syntax error in program "/UI2/CL_EDM_DA_WD_CONFIG======CP ".>>>>>
I raised SAP message and after appliying the recommendations in the below SAP note the issue was fixed .
0001860742Implementation of UI2_700: Dump DYN_CALL_METH_NOT_FOUND