Hello Everyone,
The client wants to restrict changing all the fields of XD02. He wants the users to change only certain fields mentioned below in XD02 T-Code.
If the division is 01/03/05/06, then the fields mentioned below should be in editable mode and the remaining fields should be in display mode in XD02.
General Data -> Address Tab: Telephone phone, Mobile, Fax, Email and Comments
General Data -> Control Data: Industry, Train Station, VAT Reg no., and Corporate Group
General Data ->Marketing: Employees, Industry and Industry Code1
General Data ->Contact Person: Name, First name, Department and Function
Company Code Data -> Correspondence: Dunn Procedure
Sales Area Data -> Extra: Customer Group1, Customer Group2, Customer Group3, Customer Group4 and Customer Group5.
CIN Detail: All the fields in all tabs make editable.
If the division is 04/02, then the below mentioned fields should be in editable mode and the remaining fields should be in display mode in XD02.
General Data-> Address: Telephone number, Mobile number, Fax, Email.
General Data -> Control data: Industry, VAT Reg no. Corporate group,
General Data-> Marketing: Nielsen ID, Industry, Regional Market
General Data-> Contact Person: Name, First Name, Department and Function
Sales Area Data->Sales: Sales District, Sales Office, Sales Group, Customer group, Price group, Customer price procedure, Customer Stat Group.
Sales Area Data -> Extra: Customer Group1, Customer Group2, Customer Group3, Customer Group4 and Customer Group5.
Company code -> Correspondence: Customer user, Act.Clk tel.no. Account memo
Company code -> Withholding Tax: All fields should be allowed to change. With t type, W/tax code, w/tax, oblig, from, oblig to, W/tax number.
Remaining all the controls should be only in display mode in XD02.
I tried with SHD0, but it is very time-consuming. I checked with the ABAPER, too, but he isn't aware of any BAPI/BADI. Could you please suggest me the best possible solution for this requirement.
Thanks in advance.