Although I believe that you may be able to find some good choices of SAP books to use as reference guides, I believe a good starting point would be focusing your research, figuring out the underlying tables (infotypes in HR) and transactions codes you will be working with. I have included a few general points below that I hope you will find helpful:
- ABAP Development for HR has some fundamental differences than what you may be accustomed to, for example
- We use logical databases (PNP/PCH) extensively in HCM.
- ROUTINES and PROVIDE/ENDPROVIDE are typically used instead of select statements.
- HR functional modules tend to begin with HR* or RH*.
- Records are time sensitive; therefore, you will need to fetch records based on a certain date that falls between BEGDA and ENDDA
- Depending on what area of HR you will be working, you will need to familiarize yourself with the appropriate infotypes, for example
- Personnel Area infotypes fall between PA0000 – PA19999
- Time infotypes fall between PA2000 – PA29999
- Custom infotypes fall between PA9000 – PA9999
- I suggest looking at transaction PA20/PA30 to get an understanding on how the infotypes are related and how the data is organized in the system. Actions are used to configure the screens/order for data entry in PA30 (i.e. Hiring action, reactivating action, terminating action, etc…). The following link contains a pretty extensive list of HR transaction codes:
You can find some more specifics and examples in the following thread:
Lastly, I know that others have suggested the "SAP HR Technical Principals and Programming" book by SAP Press for prospective SAP HCM developers.
Good luck on your journey through ABAP HR and I hope you find the above to be a helpful start!